thursday 30th
international conference
Chancellor, Sra. Eva Alcón; Vicepresident of the Valencian Governement, Sra. Mª José Salvador Rubert; General Director of International Cooperation for Development, Sra. Xelo Angulo;Mayoress of La Vall d’Uixó, Sra. Tania Baños; Director of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, Sra. Sonia París
9.30 -11.00h
peace, universities and the "no values" doctrine- wertfreiheit-weber
Dr. Johan Galtung, PRIO, Norway
Moderated by: Dra. Sofía Herrero Rico, UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for peace
Simultaneous interpreting available
11.00 - 11.30H
coffee break
round table: professional experiences and projects on peace culture by the former students
Ina Tcaci (Moldova), Betty Mutesi (Rwanda), Dr. Ismael Cortés (Spain), Said Bahajin (Marruecos)
Moderated by: Dra. Arely Vázquez, UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for peace
round table: academic experiences and research on peace culture by the international faculty
Dr. Josefina Echavarria (Colombia/Austria), Dr. Guillermina Díaz Pérez (Mexico), Dr. Fatuma Ahmed (Kenya), Dr. Sidi Omar (Western Sahara), Dr. Irene Comins (Spain)
Moderated by: Dra. Eloísa Nos, UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for peace
gathering LUNCH
musical performance
Nury Conde (voice) and David Montesinos (guitar)
gathering LUNCH
friday 31st
presentation of "enredadas": the magazine of the peace makers
Facilitators: Beatriz Castañeda Aller, María Alejandra Ortiz López, Beatriz Pallarés Gomis and Keilly rodríguez Vaca.
Language: English/Spanish
Description: "Enredadas" is the materialization of this net of people weaving, from different places and visions, the peace construction. Through this magazine, the students of the Peace Master want to fill of content the concept of peace. It is an open invitation to all those people who want to get mixed up in the building of this imaginary.
Room: 210
Peace laboratory #GenerationEquality. peace studies and gender, from theory to practice
Facilitators: Bochra Laghssais y Victoria Falcó
Description: As a Peace Laboratory action, It will be a workshop-talk showing current voices and themes on the academia regarding gender, women rights and activism from perspectives of peace students here at the UJI. The workshop will be under the Generation Equality UN campaign.
Room: 210
peace in tseltales-mayas (chiapas) lands: one only heart- jun pajal o'tanil
Facilitator: Lola Cubells Aguilar
Language: Spanish
Description: Through this workshop we would like to offer a space for the intercultural dialogue and to discover how peace is understood from other ways of feeling-thinking life, the relationship between humans and mother earth and the cosmos. From my own working experience defending ingenous right in Chiapas, I invite you to discover how the fighting for peace has being held from different experiences of autonomy indigenous processes and their meaning of justice.
Room: 211
New possibilities of Peace Education
Facilitator: Nikita Reece, Guy Sharer, Ifrah Aden Hiloule, Mariam Hassan Mohamed, Irina Charlotte Ranaivosoa y Marja Sophie Swiridoff
Language: English
Description: interactive workshop
Room: 210
peace workers challenges in context, level and action fields
Facilitator: Romary Vaamonde
Language: English/Spanish
Description: its is a workshop that will be developed in different working tables along with people with great experience in the fields and working levels.
Room: 211
"land for peace": a documentary short film about the peasants role in the colombian conflict and the peace process
Facilitator: Beatriz Castañeda Aller
Language: English/Spanish
Description: We rarely get to hear the stories that remain behind the violent history that Colombia seems to be condemned to export: the ones of the peasants stripped from land, the indigenous displaced from their millenary locations by extrativist and corporate interests, the human right leaders murdered... it is a mistake to run away from the look of a country that can only heal by deeping on the truth and by narrating himself. This is the main objective that this short film seeks, which is composed by the sum of different peasants stories but also the ones of human right leaders, academics, guerrilleros and political leaders. It is a seek for listening the intrahistory in order to get to know the history.
Room: 210
world coffee: talking about creating peace
Facilitator: MªPaz Ramos Martín
Language: Spanish/English
Description: it is about the learning of the world coffee technique through a game of questions that will be held in different tables.
Room: 211
peace mural
We will elaborate a collective mural with the thousand cranes we would have created during the conference to send a wish of peace. It will be held on the coffee space in the Doctoral School and Board of Trustess building.